Dont starve wiki commands
Dont starve wiki commands

dont starve wiki commands

After switching levels, you will need to re-enter the command. This includes items you never crafted before. ​GetPlayer().components.builder:GiveAllRecipes() ​ Hide or show (after hiding) the full HUD of the game. There's some other commands, but they're hard to use and not very useful. 10 makes you a bit faster and with 40 you can walk through walls and "over" water. Note that you will need to turn it off and on again after passing through a Worm Hole, sleeping, Telepoofing, entering or exiting a cave system, eating mandrakes, or using complicated commands too many times. It won't drain Sanity, Hunger or Health when attacked anymore. Only works with Backpacks and Items that can be stored in the inventory. Spawns amount of selected "prefab" in your inventory. If your timing is perfect, you can attack it for two Drumsticks.Improved DebugSpawn("prefab"), spawns amount of selected "prefab" under the mouse cursor. If you keep an Axe equipped, you just mind stumble on a Gobbler running back to the sanctuary of a bush. Sometimes you’ll luck out while scouting the land. Use the Rabbit caught from Traps and turned them into Cooked Morsel.Ĭooking your food is a more efficient way to replenish hunger, so capitalize on the evening hours by fire-roasting the food gathered throughout the day. Most of your dinner options now have a new action available: cook. Not only will it provide you with security until the next sunrise, but you can also use it to cook the food you’ve stocked up on. When nightfall approaches, craft a Campfire like normal. Although edible, this isn’t the best choice and is usually reserved for when situations are at their most dire. Killing a Spider will reward you with Monster Meat. If you have the Axe equipped and you come across a Spider or any other Monster, you can use it as a weapon. Also keep in mind not to get too close while setting a Trap - this will scare off Rabbits, and they won’t return until much later.

dont starve wiki commands

Note that much like other Tools you use, the durability of the Trap will decrease over time. Retrieve what is now yours, but don’t eat your new food just yet. Back up, and watch the Rabbit take the bait. Once you find yourself near a Rabbit, go ahead and drop the Trap along with the Carrot. Although Carrots are unlisted, you’ll want to make sure you have some of those, too. Traps require two Twigs and six Cut Grass. If you have the supplies, you can open up your Survival menu and craft a Trap. However, variety is the spice of life, and it’s time to get a little creative with obtaining food. It’s never a bad idea to grab any Food that you can. As you’ve no doubt noticed by now, picking up Seeds, Berries, and Carrots is required to get anywhere in Don’t Starve.

Dont starve wiki commands